Sections 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (Up to October)
Section 4 231801 162443 110039 87646 46770 86499 79045 76461 49725
Section 5 37 23 36 3 0 1 0 0 0
Section 6(a) 633 714 657 491 292 453 1296 429 188
Section 6(b) 3505 3786 3521 2782 903 1362 2344 2552 469
Section 7 315 312 102 50 30 45 160 96 5

Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2021 (COTPA)

Month COTPA Violation Total No. of persons fined/Challaned Total amount collected(INR) Total No.of persons fined/ challaned till date Total amount collected (INR)till date
Section 4 7931 1586300 7931 1586300
Section 5 0 0 0 0
Section 6(a) 22 5700 22 5700
Section 6(b) 92 7200 92 7200
Section 7 1 0 1 0
Section 4 8918 1783900 16849 3370200
Section 5 1 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 67 9400 89 15100
Section 6(b) 161 2500 253 9700
Section 7 9 0 10 0
Section 4 9857 1971700 26706 5341900
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 57 53100 146 68200
Section 6(b) 203 4200 456 13900
Section 7 5 0 15 0
Section 4 7711 1542200 34417 6884100
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 24 22000 170 90200
Section 6(b) 63 11500 519 25400
Section 7 3 0 18 0
Section 4 4283 859200 38700 7743300
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 10 10200 180 100400
Section 6(b) 33 7500 552 32900
Section 7 0 0 18 0
Section 4 4439 889649 43139 8632949
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 12 0 192 100400
Section 6(b) 32 0 584 32900
Section 7 0 0 18 0
Section 4 7720 1544000 50859 10176949
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 14 4300 206 104700
Section 6(b) 49 6000 633 38900
Section 7 0 0 18 0
Section 4 6525 1305600 57384 11482549
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 31 42500 237 147200
Section 6(b) 85 126100 718 165000
Section 7 1 0 19 0
Section 4 6477 1295600 63861 12778149
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 105 56100 342 203300
Section 6(b) 338 129600 1056 294600
Section 7 16 0 35 0
Section 4 7052 1410600 70913 14188749
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 23 13700 365 217000
Section 6(b) 104 37300 1160 331900
Section 7 3 0 38 0
Section 4 8095 1619000 79008 15807749
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 24 15800 389 232800
Section 6(b) 86 16300 1246 348200
Section 7 3 6200 41 6200
Section 4 7491 1500000 86499 17307749
Section 5 0 0 1 0
Section 6(a) 64 50500 453 283300
Section 6(b) 116 14100 1362 362300
Section 7 4 1200 45 7400

Last updated on June 21, 2022